
Psychographic Profile


The professional profile that makes the difference.

A complete professional profile to highlight your resume

It's easy, fast and FREE!

With the NEW D'Anchiano psychographic test you will be able to know, in an integrated way, your Competences, Values and Personality profile.

From these three areas of evaluation we managed to form a unique and interdependent system that we call:

Professional Psychographic Profile


Why add the Psychographic Profile to your resume

Benefits for applicants

Increase the visualization of your resumeComplete the test

Quickly and accurately identify the ideal candidate

Define the profile you are looking for

This new option of the D'Anchiano psychographic test makes it easier and more precise to identify the ideal candidate.

By defining the profile for the position you are offering for 3 evaluation areas: Competences, Values and Personality, you will be able to obtain a more precise fit by comparing it with the Professional Psychographic Profile of the applicant.


Why define the Psychographic Profile in your offer

Benefits for companies

Define the profile and get the candidate you are looking forPost your Offer